Pastor Stephen Dedman



Devotional For December 1, 2024

For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭3‬

The author of Hebrews urges us to “consider Him.” To consider means to think deeply, to reflect upon, and to meditate. So, let us consider Jesus, the ultimate example of endurance and faith.

Jesus endured unimaginable hostility during His earthly ministry. He was ridiculed, mocked, and betrayed by those He came to save. He faced persecution, false accusations, and even death on a cross. Yet, He endured it all with faith in His Father’s plan.

When we face our own trials and challenges, we can find encouragement in Jesus’ example. His endurance teaches us that no matter how difficult our circumstances may be, we can press on in faith, knowing that He is with us.

The verse also warns us against becoming weary and discouraged in our souls. Weariness can cause us to lose heart and give up. But by fixing our focus on Jesus, we can find renewed strength and hope.

When we focus solely on our problems and hardships, they can seem overwhelming. But when we shift our focus to Jesus, our problems are put into proper perspective. He is greater than any challenge we face. (Thank You, Jesus!)

So, as we face life’s ups and downs, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. When we consider His endurance in the face of hostility, we find the inspiration to endure our own trials with faith and perseverance.


Lord, thank You for the example of endurance and strength to keep going. No matter the challenges that come my way I will remember focus more on You and less on my troubles. Help me to endure and overcome every challenge and trial. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Devotional For November 30, 2024

So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us,
‭‭Acts‬ ‭15‬:‭8‬

In the book of Acts, we find a profound truth that should bring comfort and assurance to our hearts: God’s perfect plan has always been in motion. Acts 15:18 reminds us that God has known all His works from eternity. This means that every event, every twist and turn in our lives, and the entire course of human history are within His divine knowledge and control.

Often, we may question why certain things happen, or we may struggle with uncertainty about the future. In these moments, Acts 15:18 serves as a reminder that God’s understanding is far beyond our own. He has seen all things in existence from beginning to end, and every part, no matter how seemingly insignificant, plays a part in His masterful design.

As we reflect on this verse, it’s an invitation to trust in God’s wisdom and sovereignty. Even when we cannot comprehend the reasons behind our circumstances, we can rest assured that God’s plan is unfolding perfectly. Our role is to have faith, to seek His guidance, and to align our lives with His purposes.

So, take a moment to pray and surrender your worries, doubts, and uncertainties to the One who knows the end from the beginning. Trust that God’s plan is far greater than anything we can fathom, and His ways are always perfect. May this truth bring you peace and confidence in your journey of faith.


Lord, in times of uncertainty and when I cannot see the full picture, help me to trust in Your sovereignty. I surrender my worries and doubts to You, knowing that You know all things from eternity. Thank you for being a God who holds the future and for loving me unconditionally. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Devotional For November 29, 2024

Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭9‬:‭23‬

We live in a world that often esteems human wisdom, strength, and wealth. Jeremiah 9:23 invites us to examine our hearts and priorities, recognizing what truly matters in the eyes of the Lord.

It’s easy to find identity in the things that our society values—intellectual skills, physical strength, and material wealth. Yet, God’s perspective challenges us to consider whether these pursuits are worthy of our boast.

Human wisdom is limited and will quickly fade away in the face of life’s complexities. No matter how knowledgeable we may be, our understanding is still subject to limitations. True wisdom begins with acknowledging our need for God’s guidance and seeking His truth above all else.

Strength and power can deceive us into believing we are self-sufficient. However, our strength is vulnerable to weakness and can be humbled in a moment. The Lord invites us to lean on His strength, recognizing that our true security lies in Him.

Wealth provides comfort and security, yet it too can vanish like the wind. The pursuit of riches can blind us to the eternal treasures that come from a relationship with Christ. Our ultimate wealth is found in His presence and the inheritance we have in Christ.

True worth and value come from knowing and understanding God—the source of unwavering love, righteous judgment, and abounding grace.

Are there areas in your life where you’ve put your confidence in wisdom, strength, or wealth? Consider how you can redirect your focus towards boasting in the Lord and growing in your knowledge of Him.


Lord, help me align my priorities with Your perspective. Remind me that true wisdom, strength, and riches come from knowing and understanding You. Help me to grow in my relationship with You each day. In Jesus’ name, amen.