Abide In My Love

Abide In My Love

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.
‭‭John‬ ‭15:9‬ 

His Love Is Everlasting

There is no greater love than the love of Jesus.  God’s love for the world is witnessed through the person of Jesus for the sole purpose that all people should be saved.  His love is unconditional and unchanging.  The promise of the Scripture tells us that there is nothing that can separate us from His love. (Romans 8:35)

As we read and study the Word of God, the message of His love is embedded through every book and every chapter.  God wants us to know who much He loves and cares for each of us.  During times of uncertainty and difficulty His love never fails.  His great love is all we need to face everyday with hope and joy.  Allow the Word of God to penetrate your heart and mind so that you discover His perfect will.  Jesus says to “abide” or “remain” in His love.

Jesus desires that we never drift away from the truth of His love.  It is easy to get distracted  with all the things of the world and forget how much He loves us.  No matter how busy we get or how famous we become we never need to forget His loving promises.  Sometimes we stray away from His Word and we allow the things of this world to control our minds and hearts.  But the only way to abide or remain in His love is to be in constant and consistent meditation of the Scriptures.  His Word is living and powerful and we should never find a substitute for it.  Your life depends on your devotion and allegiance to the Bible.  Stay in His love and stay in His Word.


Ask God to remove whatever is keeping you from reading and studying the Bible.

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