Abide In The Shadow Of God

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1

Has there ever been a time that you felt the Lord abandoned you in a difficult situation?  Rest assured that He has never left you nor has He ever forsaken you.  He can’t and He won’t.  

As long as we belong to Him this promise remains forever.  His love is too great to abandon us.  He desires for His children to rest in His presence.  

He is the One to turn to when in we run into trouble.  He is our safe place as this 911 verse promises.  The word “dwell” means to to take up residence. We live in the presence of God and seek Him as our shelter.  

The shelter of God is our protection.  This verse reminds us that He is continually looking over us and keeping us safe.  In the shadow we find relief from the heat.  Staying in His shadow guards us from disastrous elements.

Remember that as a child of God you will never walk alone.  Even though your struggles may seem hard and heavy, you still have the stronghold of God Almighty at your side.  Your difficulties are strengthening you for your next assignment from God.  

The entire chapter of Psalm 91 is packed full with the power of God.  It reminds us that He faithfully works all things together on behalf of those who love Him.  Allow God to fight your battles and use your circumstances to make you stronger in your faith.


Lord, help me to rest in Your presence and seek Your protection in all my situations.  Place me right where You want me to be. I will praise You in my storms.

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