Advance The Gospel

Advance The Gospel

I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel,
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:12

Everything Happens For A Reason

Something very significant about the apostle Paul was that he was always concerned with how he could spread the gospel.  When he was placed into prison he used that opportunity to share Jesus with those around him.  After being attacked by a mob he preached the gospel.  When he was brought before the king he shared his faith as a testimony.  It didn’t seem to matter what circumstance he was in, he was continually sharing the gospel with others.  He would use his situation as an opportunity to share Jesus with whoever he was with.  Paul could take a negative situation and turn it into a great opportunity to win someone to Christ.

We too should look at every situation we encounter as an opportunity to share the love of Jesus or to speak the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.  God may have us at an exact location or in a purposeful circumstance to share our testimony or speak a word of compassion to someone who needs it.  We never need to miss an opportunity that God may be giving us to give the best gift someone can receive.  God uses us in unique ways to further the building of His Kingdom.  You may think you are in a crisis but know that God has you in it for a reason.  Try not to become angry at God or even turn away from your faith just because you endure a time of suffering.  We should be like Paul and turn the circumstance into an opportunity to advance the gospel.


Lord, help me to be aware of where you have me and to be aware of the people around me so that I can tell them about the good news of Jesus.

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