Are You Involved?

Then I said to them, “You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.” So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.
Nehemiah 2:17-18

Nehemiah was burdened with rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. He knew he couldn’t do it alone so he enlisted the help of others. Teamwork makes dreamwork!

Nehemiah says that all kinds of people got involved. From priests to politicians and tradesmen to women who made clothes, there was a role for everyone who wanted to get involved. Everyone had a specific task and purpose.

Even though there were many who supported the efforts of rebuilding the wall, there were some who chose not to get involved. Nehemiah 3:5 tells us about the people of Tekoa who opposed the efforts. It is forever written in the Word of God that these individuals chose not to serve the Lord.

When it comes to building the Kingdom of God there is always a need for willing servants. Never let it be said of you that when there was something great to be done for God you didn’t get involved. God has given you a unique purpose to serve Him.

As a servant of Jesus Christ, you have been equipped to serve. Your talents and abilities are God-given and are given to glorify Him. Everything you do for the Lord makes a difference.

Your task is important and even though you may not see immediate results of your labor, it’s making a difference. If it’s in your community, church, or anywhere in the world, God will use you to do His great work.

Are you participating in building God’s Kingdom? There is a place and purpose for every person to serve the Lord. Just ask God what He wants you to do.


Lord, I want to serve You today. What can I do to get involved with the work of Your Kingdom. Show me how I can join others in serving You.

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