Christ In You

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭3:26-27‬

When Jesus went to the cross, He wasn’t dying for himself, He was dying for sinners. He didn’t need to overcome Satan. Satan was never an issue. 

The victory He won on the cross was for our sake. What Jesus did on the cross, no one else could do. 

At the moment you place your faith in Jesus, you become a child of God. Nothing can ever change that miraculous transformation. When you become a Christian you are “in Christ” and Christ is in you. This transformation or what we also call, the moment of salvation, is very powerful and meaningful. 

Just consider…

  • Jesus became the Son of Man so that you might become a son of God. Jesus lowered Himself so that you could be lifted up. 
  • Jesus took on your sins so that you could be found righteous. 
  • Jesus was beaten and bruised so that you wouldn’t suffer. 
  • Jesus was found guilty so that you could be set free. 
  • Jesus was filled with despair so you could be filled with joy. 
  • Jesus took your shame so that you could take His glory. 
  • Jesus suffered death so that you could live. 

Sometimes we don’t consider what our life “in Christ” means. It means we have a God who loves us and only wants good for us. It means that God did what only He could do to redeem you. Have you thanked Jesus today?


Lord, thank you for all that you did for me. I don’t deserve it but I appreciate your gift. I will serve and honor you today with all that I do. 

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