Cry For Help

Cry For Help

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:17‬ ‭

Daily Devotional

Right With God

The key word in today’s verse is righteous. When the righteous cry for help the Lord hears and delivers. To be righteous, one must be right with God. To be right with God you must have a relationship with Jesus who makes us right with God. To have a relationship with Jesus you must believe in Him as Lord and Savior.

We all face situations that seem too overwhelming or out of our control. This is what we call a crisis situation. It is at this point that we feel helpless, hopeless and alone. God wants us to cry out to Him and He wants to deliver us from our troubles. However, sometimes we get in our minds that we got ourself in the problem so we must get ourself out of the problem. This is called “stinkin’ Thinkin’”. We soon feel exhausted and out of energy. Guess who wants you to feel this way?  That’s right, your adversary, the devil. The devil wants you to feel that God is nowhere near and is avoiding you. He even wants you to feel that your prayers are not being heard.

It is at this moment that you need to get on your knees and cry out to the Lord. He has never left you. But He is waiting for you to submit to Him as Lord and Master. When He is in control He can do wonderful and miraculous things. Don’t ever think you can live life without God. Without God, you’re not living; you’re dying. Only the righteous can be heard by God.


Lord, I cry out to You for help. Cleanse my heart and make me new. Deliver me from my troubles.

Daily Devotional

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