Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1 John 2:15
The people who John was writing to were calling themselves Christians but they did not demonstrate the love of God. They did not acknowledge their sinful behavior nor did they value God’s grace.
They possessed a false philosophy as they professed to be Christians but demonstrated no love toward their brothers and sisters in Christ. They were not obedient to God’s Word. They were not any different than the evil world that they lived in.
They loved the things of the world more than they loved the Lord. John said, “If anyone loves the world, the love of God is not in him.”
A true Christian reflects the love of God through loving others. True Christians know the need for God’s forgiveness and run away from sinful behavior. They love the things of God and they demonstrate love for His Word.
Let’s identify what it means to hate the things of this world. We must hate the sins that dishonor and discredit the glory of God. We should hate speaking profanity and spreading gossip. We should hate drunkenness and gluttonous behavior. We are to hate sorcery and witchcraft, immorality and pride, murder and adultery, hypocrisy and lies. These are just a few, but if you are a Christian you no longer love these things.
That is not to say that we don’t sin. We all fall short of the glory of God but our affection is on heavenly things. When we love the things of God our hearts and minds will detest the things of this world.
Lord, I ask for Your forgiveness and mercy. Help me to live beyond what this world has to offer. Keep me from evil and show me how to love the way You love.