One day as these men were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Appoint Barnabas and Saul for the special work to which I have called them.” So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way.
Acts 13:2-3
On this certain day, the Holy Spirit got a hold of these men. They were in a position to hear from the Lord. They were ready to receive a word from the Lord. The text says that they worshiped and fasted and then they fasted and prayed. Sounds like a lot of fasting was going on.
Presumably, they fasted because they were seeking God in a specific way. According to the text, it’s possible that they were seeking God for a direction to go and spread the Gospel. Their desire was to please the Lord.
God will use people who are committed to prayer. The Holy Spirit will speak to our hearts when we focus on the things of God to the point of desiring nothing but His presence.
The act of worship is necessary for our souls as well as pleasing to the Lord. True worship will change our hearts and align our thoughts for the things of God. Worship is a sincere way to seek the heart of God.
If we want the Lord to speak to our hearts we must worship Him. Worship entails praising, praying, listening, and honoring God. Sometimes people will lift their hands up high in worship because they are surrendering themselves to God.
What are you seeking God for today? If the Lord is not answering your prayers you need to consider worshiping and fasting and then fasting and praying. This is the process of positioning yourself to the blessings of God.
Lord, I want to hear from You. I seek you today to answer my prayer. You know my heart and You know my desires. Allow me to worship You will all of my heart today.