But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God.
Genesis 6:8-9
According to a former Walmart employee in West Palm Beach, FL, a man entered Walmart and stole a large screen TV. When he walked out of the store he discovered that his truck had been stolen. Needless to say, he encountered a bad day.
Even the ones who are causing evil will encounter evil as well. We live in an evil, sinful world. Every where we look we see all kinds of evil taking place. It’s everywhere.
Noah lived during a very corrupt time. The Bible says everyone and everything around him was evil continually. He faced a crisis during his day in time. It’s hard to imagine a world worse than it is right now, isn’t?
It is interesting to note that Noah was found righteous and blameless while living amongst such evil people. Noah did what was right. Scripture says he found favor in the eyes of the Lord. God was pleased with the way he lived his life while being exposed to such evilness.
We all choose if we will do what is right or fall into the temptation of evil. We live among evil people who get away with a lot of crime but that does not mean that we should. As Christians we are to be different from the rest of the world.
It’s difficult to live righteously in a sinful world but if we look at Noah we see that it is possible. It is not possible to be perfect but we should strive to be.
Lord, help me to strive for holiness and righteousness. Help me to overcome any temptation that I face. Let me set an example to others of what You expect from every Christian.