So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus.
Matthew 14:29
Immediately after Jesus fed the 5,000 men, He instructed the disciples to get into the boat and go to the other side of the lake. Jesus dismissed the crowds and then went up top of a mountain to pray.
As the disciples were rowing through the night, Jesus came walking up to the boat, walking on the water.
Imagine for a moment how frightened you would be if you were in the boat that night. Jesus comes walking on the water, defying all laws of logic and science. How could it be?
Peter was so intrigued that he wanted to experience what no man has ever been able to do and walk on water. Peter fully seized the moment and truly wanted to be part of the miracle. And for a few moments, he walked on water.
Here is the point. Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. The other disciples had it in their mind that they couldn’t do it. They had doubt. Peter never doubted that he could walk on the water until he took his focus off of Jesus. And when he began to sink Jesus asked him, “why did you doubt?”
There are many things we could do in this life if we could eliminate all doubt. The reason why we can’t walk on water is because we doubt. The reason why we don’t experience great miracle moments of our own is because we have doubt.
Sin causes us to doubt. Sin poisons our minds. It produces seeds of doubt that voids our faith. Is it possible to have so much faith that we could walk on water?
If Peter would have kept his eyes on Jesus he wouldn’t have started to sink. Peter’s focus turned from Jesus back to human logic and reasoning as he saw the wind and waves. If we want to experience mighty miracles we must remove all doubt. The only way to remove doubt is to keep our focus on Jesus.
Anytime we take our focus off of Jesus we allow doubt and fear to creep into our minds. So the more we stay focused on Jesus the less doubt and fear we experience. It sounds simple but we have so many things that distract us from focusing on Him.
Lord, remove my distractions and keep me focused on You. I desire to experience Your wonderful presence. Help me to have no doubt.