God’s Will For Your

And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭

Most Christians want to know what God wills for us to do but there is more to it than seeking answers to what job we should take, what car we should buy, or what person to marry. God’s will can be explained very easily.

Paul, writing to a group of Christians was encouraging and praying for them to know the will of God. He wanted everyone to be filled with the knowledge of His will. He was speaking specifically about pleasing God with our lives.

There are five aspects to God’s will that we should know and that Paul is explains to the church.

First, it is His will for everyone to be saved. If you are saved by the blood of Jesus you are in the right direction.

Second, we are to be spirit-filled. We should be led by the Spirit of God in all things. The Spirit of God guides and directs us.

Third, we are seek holiness because we are in the process of being sanctified or purified for righteousness.

Fourth, we should be submitted to the Lordship of Jesus. Make Jesus your Master and you will be His servant.

And fifth, we are to suffer for the cause of Christ.

These five aspects align our lives safely in the will of God. If we are doing these things we will know that we are in the will of God.


Lord, I pray for You to encourage me to seek your presence daily. I want to live inside the boundaries of Your will. Help me to glorify Your great name.

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