With All Your Heart

With All Your Heart

“Yet even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;”
Joel‬ ‭2:12


Worship With All Your Heart

There is somewhat of a mystery to when the prophet Joel lived but most scholars believe he prophesied after the people returned to Jerusalem from the 70-year Babylonian captivity.  Joel speaks of a “locust plague” in Joel 1:4 that results from God’s judgment to the people’s lack of repentance.  Whether this plague was literal or not, Joel tells the people that they need to turn to God in repentance and worship to receive His rewards.

There has always been a history of God’s people straying away during times of prosperity and enjoying their blessings more than worshipping the God who blessed them.  This is still happening today.  We are so blessed as children of God but sometimes we tend to get caught up in seeking pleasure from material things than seeking joy from worshipping and praising God.

People who heed the proclamation of Joel can reverse the judgment of God and experience the character of God as Joel says, “God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and relents from punishing.” (Joel 2:13)  We must all repent and worship God whole-heartily.  Jo-el means “God is Jehovah”.  There is One God and we serve Him faithfully.

God demands and deserves our full commitment. Serving God half-heartily is unacceptable.  Lukewarm devotion has its devastating consequences as Jesus states in Revelation 3:16.

Even right now, turn to God with all your heart, soul and mind.


Pray and ask God to forgive you of any sin that might be keeping you from receiving true joy and fellowship.

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