“We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other,”
II Thessalonians 1:3
It is important that we grow in faith. God is constantly presenting us with new opportunities where we can mature in our faith and trust Him. Nothing pleases God more than when we fully trust in Him.
Growing in our faith is a Christian process. We are continually faced with life situations that put our faith to the test. These tests let us know where we can improve but they also show us where God is leading us.
God is equipping us to successfully conquer our next faith challenge. He is preparing you today for what is coming. God knows what we need.
You may be in the middle of a test right now. God may be waiting to see how you respond to what is happening in your life. Do you see God working in your life?
When we fully trust Him is when we can see what He is doing. We must keep advancing in our wisdom and faith. When we stop advancing we start slipping.
Be encouraged today. You have what you need through Jesus Christ. He will assist you and guide you through everything you face. You just need to recognize where you stand.
Are you standing strong in your faith? Are you grounded in the truth of God’s Word? Strengthen yourself in the Lord and keep growing in faith.
Lord, You are my strength. You are the One who establishes my ways. Keep me on track and in Your will.