For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.
Psalms 86:5
Today’s verse offers a profound and comforting truth: the Lord is good, forgiving, and overflowing with mercy for all who call upon Him.
The psalmist acknowledges God’s inherent goodness and willingness to forgive. He is a compassionate and loving God, even when we stumble and fall. His goodness and forgiveness are not conditional because of His nature and character.
When we call upon the Lord, we acknowledge our need for His forgiveness and mercy. In our brokenness, we find that His love surpasses all of our failures. God longs for us to come to Him with contrite hearts, ready to receive His grace.
Regardless of the mistakes we’ve made, the Lord eagerly waits for us to turn to Him. He longs to extend His loving-kindness, lifting the weight of guilt from our shoulders and showering us with His mercy.
It is important that we confess our sins and ask God to forgive us. Only then will we experience the depth of His mercy and grace
Lord, your goodness and mercy keep me coming back to You. Your grace is sufficient for me. Help me to never find comfort outside of Your presence. In Jesus’ name, amen.