Not Ashamed

Not Ashamed

But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me.
2 Timothy 1:12

Confidence and Boldness

Paul is in prison and awaiting death.  He is recounting the cause for Christ that has led him to persecution and distress and now imprisonment.  He is writing to a young preacher named Timothy who was a close brother and friend to Paul.  Paul writes him to instruct and encourage the young preacher as he too may face persecution for the faith.

Paul was hated by the Jews for preaching the gospel to the Gentiles.  Even though he suffered persecution and waiting execution, Paul considers his calling to preach the gospel a worthy cause.  He never backed down from telling the truth of the gospel and never avoided speaking when he had a chance to share the Word of God with anyone.  His confidence in the Lord produced a boldness that glorified God.  His faith and hope in Christ fueled his efforts of winning souls and building the Kingdom of Heaven.

Paul’s knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ strengthened him daily but God’s grace is what kept him striving to endure the hardships he faced. Our knowledge of God’s Word and our strong faith in Jesus allows us the same opportunities to share the gospel with boldness. Never shy away from telling the lost about the good news of Jesus and always be ready to give an answer for your faith.  It is during times of persecution and trials that people either coward down or boldly step up.  Be prepared today to speak words of comfort to those who are suffering or lost.


Ask the Lord to give you boldness to speak the truth of the gospel to everyone everywhere.

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