February 15, 2025
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
I Corinthians 6:19
The apostle Paul delivers a profound message about the sacredness of our physical bodies. Our bodies house the very presence of the Holy Spirit. Imagine, the God of the universe chooses to dwell within each believer, making each one into a living temple.
This scripture calls us to live to a higher standard. It challenges us to view our bodies not merely as vessels for personal desires but as holy sanctuaries set apart for a divine purpose. As stewards of these sacred temples, we are entrusted with the responsibility to honor God in all we do.
The call to honor our bodies as temples goes beyond physical well-being; it’s honoring God with our thoughts, words, and actions. How do we speak about ourselves and others? What thoughts dominate our minds? Are our actions reflective of the holiness residing within us? These questions urge us to align our lives with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our choices matter. Let us seek after a journey of intentional living. As we do, we will find joy and peace in fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives. Our bodies, temples of the Holy Spirit, become instruments through which His light shines brightly in a world longing for the hope and love only found in Christ.
Lord, thank You for making my body as a temple where You choose to reside. Help me to always remember to honor my body as a holy place. Let my thoughts, words, and actions be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.