Remember The Cross

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18

Most all of our problems are due to sin. Some of our problems cause us great suffering. But sometimes our problems are so severe they can lead to death. 

We all have somewhat similar problems. However, some of us have more serious problems than others. But praise Jesus, there’s a great promise given to us from the Scriptures. 

The message of the cross is the power of God for us who are being saved. What that means is the cross that Jesus died on was a burden that Jesus overcame for you. It was for your sin, which causes problems. The cost has been paid. And it’s been paid in full. 

The next time you think about a problem you are facing just think about the cross. Think about the cross and the victory that Jesus had on the cross. 

The message of the cross is that Jesus defeated sin and conquered death. This means that Satan will not and cannot have any power over us as Christians. Jesus has all the power! 

Your problem is never too big for God. Don’t let your problems of this world get the best of you when God gave His best for you. 


Lord, there is no problem that I have that you can’t handle. Take my worries away. Take my burdens away. Let me focus on what you want me to be focused on today. 

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