Pastor Stephen Dedman

Devotional For November 28, 2023

Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭28:6‬

Christians are called to walk in integrity.  It is the basic element of Christian morality.  Integrity means to do what is right and honest even when no one is watching.  

Unfortunately, there are countless examples of Christians who make their public life appear to be great and wonderful but privately they are living unrighteously.  Integrity calls us to walk in the path of Christ and to steer away from hypocrisy.

Our lives are to be marked by love, compassion, mercy, justice, and fearing God above everything else.  We must be quick to turn from evil and do good.  To know what is the right thing to do and not do it is a sin.  

We all face challenges of integrity that can either make us or break us.  Living a life of integrity means that we set aside popular self-perceptions and model Christ-like behaviors.  When it comes down to it, most of the time you are the only one who knows what you did is right or not.  

If we desire to influence others we must have integrity.  Integrity is crucial in all aspects of leadership.


Lord, keep me humble and always allow me to remember that when no one else is watching, You are. Help me to be a person of integrity. Keep me in Your sovereign hands. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Devotional For November 26, 2023

And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭14‬:‭14‬

In the compassion of Jesus, we find the source of comfort, healing, and restoration. The Gospels are filled with instances where Jesus’s compassion touched and changed lives. It’s the compassion of Christ that draws us close to Him.

Jesus encountered a large crowd and instead of turning them away, He had compassion on them. This compassion was an abiding concern for the well-being of those before Him. It moved Him to action, and in this case, to heal their sickness.

The compassion of Christ is a theme throughout the Gospels. We see it when He weeps for the mourning, when He feeds the hungry, and when He heals the diseased. His compassion is not limited by circumstance, social status, or past mistakes. It is given to all who come to Him.

Consider the leper who approached Jesus, the woman caught in adultery, or the blind Bartimaeus crying out for mercy. In each instance, Jesus responded with compassion. He didn’t merely address their physical needs but reached into the depths of their souls, offering forgiveness, restoration, and a renewed sense of purpose.

As recipients of Christ’s compassion, we find peace in His understanding of our struggles, pains, and fears. His compassion is cure for our wounded hearts, a light in our moments of darkness, and a promise of hope in our times of despair.


Lord, thank You for the compassion You demonstrated during Your earthly ministry. In moments of weakness, pain, and uncertainty, help me turn to you, knowing that Your compassionate heart understands my every need. Teach me to love as You love, to see with Your eyes, and to reach out with Your hands of mercy. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Devotional For November 25, 2023

But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.
‭‭I Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬

Peter begins by acknowledging that “the end of all things is at hand.” This serves as a wake-up call for believers. While the exact timing of the end is known only to God, Peter emphasizes the need to be ready. The awareness of the return of Christ should shape the way we live each day.

The call to be “serious and watchful in your prayers” underscores the importance of an active prayer life. In times of uncertainty, prayer becomes a lifeline connecting us to God’s guidance, strength, and peace. It is in prayer that we align our hearts with God’s will and seek His wisdom for the journey ahead.

Living with purpose means being intentional in our relationship with Christ. It involves prioritizing prayer, not as a ritual but as a genuine conversation with our Heavenly Father. As we face the challenges of life, let us be watchful in prayer, recognizing that God’s presence is our source of strength.

Consider the life of Jesus, who, in the face of overwhelming difficulties, sought the Father in constant prayer. In the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed earnestly, “Not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). Our prayers align us with God’s purposes and empower us to face whatever may come with confidence.


Dear Lord, thank you for the reminder that the end of all things is at hand. Help me to live with a sense of urgency, recognizing the importance of my relationship with you. May my prayers be serious and watchful, aligning my heart with your will. In Jesus’ name, amen.