Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone
“Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.”
Mark 4:39
After He finished a long day of teaching, Jesus instructed His disciples to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was in the boat and He used the water to amplify His voice so the large crowd could hear Him. As soon as they launched out into the deep, Jesus began to nap.
As soon as they began crossing the lake they encountered a mighty windstorm. The waves were so big they were crashing over into the boat. When great fear set in, the disciples awakened Jesus and asked, “Do you not care that we are about to drown?”
Jesus stood up and rebuked the wind and waves and then there was a great calm. Jesus turned to the disciples and said, “why are you so fearful? Do you not have faith?” Now they were afraid because Jesus had just commanded nature and it obeyed Him.
Jesus demonstrates His power as an example of who He is and what He is capable of doing. But He has to move us out of our comfort zone. As long as we remain in our familiarities we don’t need faith. But as soon as we feel uncomfortable and desperate, the Lord can work wonders.
We must be willing to go where Jesus wants us to go and do things that are beyond our capabilities. This is when we witness the mighty power of God in our lives.
Can you get out of your comfort zone and speak to someone who doesn’t know Christ? Can you go where you’ve never been and trust that Jesus will guide your every move? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to please God with your faith?
Jesus wants to use you to do things that are much greater than what you can do yourself. Trust Jesus and place your faith in Him.
Lord, I want to please You with my faith. I desire to be used as a tool to build Your kingdom. Let me witness Your power and majesty.