Pastor Stephen Dedman

Lead Me, O Lord

Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies; make your way straight before me.
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭

David certainly had enemies that were plotting against him.  They had evil intentions and were manipulating him before king Saul.  King Saul was growing jealously aware that David could possibly steal his throne.  It was all false and made David look like the bad guy.

Can you can relate to this situation?  Have you ever had someone falsely accuse you of something or say something about you that wasn’t true?  

David responded with wisdom and reason.  He wanted God to lead him down the right path so he would not fail.  David wanted the tables turned and for his enemies to get what they were plotting for him. He wanted their own words to be their trap, to be caught in their lies so he could be cleared.

This still happens today. Even in the church, people gossip and slander each other. The Bible tells us that God hated this for David and hates it when we do this to one another or when people of the world do this to His children.

God hates wicked speech of any form.  The remarkable thing is that David displayed the mark of true discipline, the result of a God-centered life, following Him, His precepts and plan while seeking His purpose for his life.  

Walk in God’s righteousness and allow the Lord to lead you in the right path.


Lord, keep me in Your straight path. Give me wisdom and reason to respond righteously when I face evil people. Help me to seek Your righteousness.

Daily Devotional

Greater And Greater

Greater And Greater

And David became greater and greater, for the Lord, the God of hosts, was with him.
‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭5:10

Daily Devotional

God Was With Him

David was a man after God’s own heart.  David loved the Lord and God was with him to give him strength and wisdom.  He was chosen by God to be king.  As David’s kingdom grew the more people he was entrusted with.  God’s power was revealed through David.  Even though David held much power he was never more powerful than God.  It was God who made him greater and greater.

David was a portrait of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ.  David knew God on a personal level.  He was not what people would expect a king to look like.  In the same way Jesus was not what the Jews expected.  Jesus came as a humble servant for the poor.  The Jews expected someone with power to bring peace and prosperity.  Instead Jesus was meek and humble giving attention to those who were sick and sinful.  Jesus came and most didn’t recognize that He was the Messiah.

God is not looking for strong, powerful men.  He is looking for men who are able to be changed.  God will take a small, uneducated man and make him greater and greater.  God wants to show His glory through men who can give Him honor and show others how powerful God is.  God desires for husbands and fathers to be the leader of their home.  They are the shepherds, pastors, and spiritual leaders of their family.  God will give strength and wisdom to the ones who are humbled and under God’s direction.  Seek to be the one who God uses to reveal His glory to shine for those who need to see who He is.


Lord, use me to shine Your glory and light into this dark, sinful world.  Lord give us Christian homes to train up more Christian leaders.

Daily Devotional