Joy Is Near

“For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.”
Psalms 30:5
King David called for the nation to praise the Lord and gives them plenty of reasons to lift up their praise to Heaven. He describes God’s anger as brief when compared to His grace. His slowness to anger and His readiness to save makes it easy for anyone to praise Him.
David said there will be times of weeping, but by the mercies of God, we will experience joy. God allows us to go through seasons of sadness and sorrow, but only for a little while. There will be times when we are down but joy is right around the corner. Just as we can expect the sun to rise in the morning, we can hope that a time of joy is near.
A beautiful sunrise will give you a reminder of how God works. There may be times of darkness and gloom but God is at work. He knows what is happening in this world and He cares.
So when you finally see the break of dawn and the sun begins to give light, just know that joy has come. God is going to do a good work. A beautiful sunrise gives us hope of a new and fresh beginning.
Give God the glory for the grace and joy you are given.
Lord, You are worthy of praise. You deserve to be worshipped and adorned. Allow me to see how You are working things out for my good.