Pastor Stephen Dedman

A Life Of Humility

‘For who makes you differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?’
I Corinthians 4:7

The Apostle Paul addressed the Corinthians prideful hearts by asking three questions. (1) Who makes you differ from someone else? (2) What do you have that you did not receive? (3) Why do you boast as if you had not received it?

These questions should make us think about our own life. Do I give God credit for all that He has done for me and given to me? Do I possess a humble spirit? Am I grateful in all things? Am I content?

The christians at the church in Corinth thought of themselves as being successful due to their wisdom and courage. The problem was that their definition of success was all wrong. They considered their success as part of their own doings.

The only true success a person can have is obtained through the works of the Cross at Calvary. If we boast in anything else we possess a prideful heart. We are who we are because of who we are in Christ. Without Jesus we are nothing!

If we are going to possess a spirit of humility it must be based upon our relationship with Jesus. Let’s measure our success through how much we give and not how much we make. Our selfless, sacrificial service toward others proves that our hearts are in the right place.

The remedy for pride is spending more time in worship to God and realizing what Jesus has done for us.


Lord, give me strength to overcome pride. Help me to recognize if I have a prideful spirit. Keep me humble through the power of the Cross.

The Wilderness Class

‘So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord . ‘
Deuteronomy 8:3

Have you ever been at a place where you couldn’t turn to anyone but God? You had nothing else and no one else to count on? This is how God humbles us.

God humbled Israel as He brought them to a place where all they could do was depend on Him. The wilderness was a classroom of learning to be humble. God was teaching Israel a lesson on dependency.

Israel had no other option but to rely on the Lord. They were allowed to hunger so that they could experience the goodness of God. For some, this doesn’t make sense but it’s how God works.

The lesson in the wilderness was to teach the Israelites to trust God in His word instead of trusting in material things. We too must learn that the word of God is our food and substance where we find life. Obedience to the Word of God is a place of joy and blessing.

It’s okay to be in the wilderness. The wilderness is a place where we can truly count on God. It’s a place where God allows suffering for our own good. The place where we experience the grace and goodness of God. A place of blessings indeed.


Lord, I want to trust in You and You only. Guide me through the wilderness if I need to go through it. Humble me now before I pride myself into destruction.

Allow God To Lift You Up

‘For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.’
Luke 14:11

Take every opportunity to promote yourself before and above others. Seize occasions for recognition and manipulate your way into the center of attention. According to the world, this is the proper way to attain high esteem.

But according to God’s design, you must put others first. Humble yourself. It’s when God sees your humility that He will exalt you.

If we put our efforts into promoting ourselves, we will be brought down and humiliated. Jesus spoke of a man who tried to enhance his own image (Luke 14:7-11). While attending a dinner, he quickly claimed the seat of most honor. When the host saw this take place, he humiliated the man by asking him to move to another seat, the lowest seat in the room.

Jesus said the wise thing to do is seek the lowest position and allow someone else to exalt you when they feel that you need to be recognized.

When we strive to remain humble, we bring glory to God and not ourselves. If we honor God, He will honor us. When the world exalts you, you are the center of attention. But when God exalts you, others will praise Him for what He has done in your life.

Allow God to be the One who honors you in the way that pleases Him!


Lord, please keep me humble. I ask You to remove all pride from my heart. May Your Holy Spirit transform me and change me.