Pastor Stephen Dedman

You Can Conquer Sin And Satan

“If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭4:7

The story of Cain and Abel is disturbingly tragic.  How could the first child born of Adam and Eve commit the sin of murder? It wasn’t like the world was so full of evil like it is today.  There were only 4 humans in existence.

The Bible says Cain and Abel both offered up offerings to God but only Abel’s was accepted.  Abel’s offering was considered to be the best of the best. Cain’s offering didn’t please God.  Jealousy and envy began to rage in the heart of Cain.

God said to Cain in verse 7, “If you do what is right you will be blessed.  But if you choose to rebel then you will be destroyed by the deadly effects of sin.”  God made it clear to Cain that sin was knocking at the door and he must master it.  However in verse 8, Cain went out and murdered Abel.

God’s warning to Cain is the same for us today. First, we must be aware that sin is present and near to every one of us.  No one is immune to it.

Second, sin is personal and seeking to devour you individually.  Satan’s plan is to rob you of joy and fellowship. Will you allow Satan to win?

And thirdly, sin is powerful and you must have control over it.  Any unconfessed sin will harbor hatred inside your heart.  We must be wise and alert or else our life will be consumed with evil like Cain’s.

Sin doesn’t have to reign in our life. Jesus gives us victory over sin and Satan. We must have faith in knowing that we are victorious only through Jesus and we conquer sin by abiding in Christ.


Lord, I repent of my sin and turn away from it quickly. Help me to receive the joy of Your great salvation. Keep me from evil and give me a heart of love.

No Doubt

No Doubt

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7

Casting out all fear and doubt

Satan uses tools of fear and doubt to keep us from doing extraordinary things.  God gives us power, love and a sound mind to do things that glorify Him.  But sometimes we limit God because of the fear and doubt we possess in our minds.

In Matthew 17:14-21 a man came to Jesus and begged for his son to be healed from demonic convulsions associated with epilepsy. Previously the man brought his son before the disciples but they couldn’t heal him. Immediately Jesus cast the demon out and the boy was healed. The disciples asked why they couldn’t cast it out and Jesus replied, “Because of your unbelief.”  He said if they had mustard seed-sized faith they could move mountains and nothing would be impossible for them. The problem wasn’t with their faith.  They had faith.  The problem was with their unbelief or doubt.  He gave them a solution: “this kind (of unbelief) does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” 

The devil plants seeds of doubt into our minds subconsciously and sometimes we are not aware of it.  We must protect our minds and be sure of what we are hearing and seeing is full of truth and not lies of Satan. Jesus said to fast and pray.  Fasting and praying starves the flesh of self desires and feeds our souls with the Spirit of God.

Is there anything ungodly that you should eliminate by fasting and praying?


Pray in the Name of Jesus to have all fear, unbelief and doubt removed from your mind and replaced with God’s power, love and truth.

Then The Devil Left Him

Then The Devil Left Him

Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and were ministering to Him.
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭4:11‬

Dealing With Temptations

Temptation has always been a struggle for mankind ever since Adam was tempted in the Garden.  Scripture is filled with examples of people who have struggled with Satan’s attack of temptation.  But there is good news. God has provided a wonderful plan for victory.

Matthew presented the temptations of Jesus to show that the conflict with Satan was real and to prove that temptations can be overcome by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.  If Satan could get Jesus to sin then the entire redemptive plan of God would be destroyed.

Three times Jesus was tempted by Satan. The first temptation was a temptation of the flesh.  Satan wanted Jesus to satisfy the flesh and distrust the Father’s ability to provide.  Satan’s plan of attack is always with “if” to create doubt in people’s mind.

The second temptation took trust to the next level. Satan says, “Ok, if you really trust God then jump off this cliff and see if He will save you.” Satans temptation was to make Jesus distrust and test God.

The third and final temptation was the big one. Satan tried to get Jesus to bypass all the suffering and just enjoy what was already His.  Satan was trying to keep Jesus from dying on the cross.

Jesus was tempted three times and each time Jesus used the Word of God to defeat the devil’s power. The temptation was real but the power of God gave way to victory. We have the same source and power to overcome any temptation we face.

Notice verse 11.  “Then the devil left Him.”  These are some great words. Aren’t you glad when the devil leaves you alone?


Pray Matthew 6:13, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”