The Word Is Truth
“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.”
John 17:17
Just before He was taken away from His disciples, Jesus prayed the most beautiful and profound prayer known to man. With suffering and death on His mind, He prayed to the Father for His disciples who He loved so dearly. He prayed that they would be sanctified in the truth, set apart and made holy unto Him.
Sanctification is a specific act of the Holy Spirit. Once a sinner is saved by grace, the ongoing process of becoming holy takes place in the heart of the believer. It’s an ongoing process that is completed once we are in the presence of God in Heaven. Until then we are increasingly conformed in the likeness of Jesus Christ. It’s a life long process.
Everyone who trusts in the Lord for salvation is sanctified the moment they receive the Holy Spirit into their heart. But every believer must go through the process of maturing in their faith. Day by day we progress into the image of Jesus Christ Himself.
We are enriched with truth through the power of the Word of God. The truth of God sanctifies us and separates us from evil. As we meditate and on the Word of God and study its powerful promises, the truth is planted in our hearts. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we trust our heavenly Father to complete a good work that He started in us on the day of salvation.
Have you allowed the Word of God to work in you? The work we do for Jesus is because of our faith in Him. We steadily and boldly work towards being the person God has called us to be. It’s not an easy to be a Christian but it is rewarding. Set yourself apart from the world today and proclaim the goodness of our Lord in your words and actions.
Lord, thank You for choosing me. You loved me before I loved You. You have set me apart for Your good work and I am up for the challenge.