The Second Time
Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time,
Jonah 3:1
Can You Hear Me Now
Jonah is well-known for trying to run away from God’s mission work. God commanded him to go to the wicked city of Nineveh and preach repentance. The people in Nineveh were worshipping idols and were on the verge of being destroyed by God. Jonah hated the people of Nineveh and probably wanted to see the entire city destroyed by the hand of God.
Jonah went the opposite way from where God called him to go. After being swallowed and saved God spoke to Jonah a second time. The second time God spoke Jonah listened and obeyed. Because of Jonah’s obedience and Nineveh’s repentance, God spared his judgment and did not destroy the city. It’s considered one of the largest revivals in history. There is nothing better than to see an entire city fall on their knees and turn back to God.
There is a couple of things to ponder about this story. First, we should always be ready to obey the voice of God the first time He speaks. God shouldn’t have to speak twice before we listen and obey. Instant obedience is important. Second, we should be thankful for second chances. God is so gracious to give us second chances to do His will. He is patient and forgiving and desires for us to align our life with His will. Third, we should never wish the wrath of God on anyone. Sometimes we spare sharing faith and hope with those who need it the most. If God gives you a second chance to speak the gospel truth to someone you should be ready and willing to obey. If God has given you a second, third, or fourth chance to do something you should be very thankful.
Lord, I want to hear you speak to me and I desire to obey Your Word. Give me ears to hear and a willing heart to respond.