What Is Your Story?

 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.
1 Peter 3:15

When was the last time you boldly asked someone if they have ever received God’s free gift of salvation?

There may be someone close to you that needs to hear your story of how you came to Jesus in faith.  Did you know that people are more likely to listen and relate to your story than they are to respond to a sermon?  That’s why it is so important for every Christian to be ready to give an account of their faith.

Every one has a testimony or a story of how and when they met Jesus Christ.  There is no testimony that is too boring or meaningless.  Your story might be the perfect words for someone to understand God’s grace and mercy.  

Don’t be fearful or bashful because the Holy Spirit will give you exactly what you need to say to those who need to hear exactly what you have to say.  You just need to be willing and ready to share your faith with everyone.

Truth is, most everyone who needs Jesus just needs the basics of knowing God’s love and compassion.  Simply telling someone that God sent His only Son to die on the cross for their sins could turn their life around.  

Just by speaking in the name of Jesus could make a world of difference.  A very easy way to start a conversation with someone is to simply say, “Have a blessed day!”


Lord, thank You for giving me Your salvation. Give me boldness to speak out and speak up for Jesus. Let my story be encouraging to others.

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