You Who Seek The LORD
Listen to Me, you who pursue righteousness, you who seek the LORD: look to the rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were dug.
Isaiah 51:1
Where Do You Come From
The nation of Israel began with the faithfulness and obedience of Abraham. For several generations God blessed the children of Israel by showing them favor and giving them prosperity. God revealed Himself to many strong and spiritual leaders. Men like Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Isaiah and Jeremiah witnessed some amazing things from God.
However, there are also some times in the Bible that we discover that people turned their back on God and served other gods. The children of Israel missed out on the amazing things of God because they were not seeking Him first. The Bible is full of history that details the events that took place when God’s people were not being blessed and were even taken captive by evil nations and evil kings. It shows us how important it is to never fall away from trusting God and waiting on His promises.
Can you see the big picture of God’s redemption and grace? You are an important person when it comes to God’s plan. You may not think that you have any significance but for generations to come your faith can be spoken about through children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and more. Think about your heritage and just ponder on the people who have made an impact on your life. Our forefathers made a great difference in which we are reaping what they sowed both good and bad. What are you doing or what can you start doing today that will make a difference in the lives that aren’t even born yet? We can start with what we have right now. Demonstrate righteousness and faithfulness today and watch what happens.
Lord, thank you for making me part of Your great plan and giving me a purpose. Help me to make a difference in the life of others today.