Pastor Stephen Dedman

Jesus Turns Problems Into Miracles

Jesus said to them, “Fill the waterpots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it.
‭‭John‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬-‭8‬

Jesus’ first miracle was performed when there was a big problem at a wedding feast. The groom’s family ran out of wine early into the festivities. It must have took a lot of drinks for a wedding feast to last for an entire week. Jesus’ mother quickly turned to Jesus to solve the problem.

As we count down to the end of 2022, we need to take some time and look back and notice how God worked in our lives. Some of our problems were so concerning in the moment but afterward they are soon forgotten.

I can easily look back and see how God worked out some of my problems by turning them into miracles. I can remember staying up late many of nights praying for God to work out some of the issues I was facing. Some of them were church related while many of them were personal. I can remember lying in bed praying for God to heal me from severe illness. I prayed for God to help me out of financial hardship. I prayed for God to give me wisdom for a very important decision that I needed to make. And through each one of these, God worked it out. He turned each of my problems into miracles.

Running out of wine was no issue for the Lord. He told the disciples to fetch some water and they did so swiftly. As they returned the water was turned to wine. Jesus turned a problem into a miracle.

Deep down in our hearts we know the Lord can do such a miracle in our life but we often lose faith with the idea that maybe the Lord won’t do it for us. The crazy thing is He desires to turn our problems into miracles. He wants to see us blessed and Him glorified.

Survey this last year and think about the problems that God worked out for you. Praise Him right now for turning your problems into miracles. Give Him all the glory.

Maybe you’re praying for a miracle right now to happen. Just know He is the miracle worker. He is the problem solver. He wants you to trust Him completely.


Lord, I praise Your great and mighty name for answering my prayers when I called on you. You never failed me. I pray that You keep turning my problems into miracles

Peace Renewed

Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, “Peace be with you.”
John 20:19

After the crucifixion of Jesus, the disciples stayed in the upper room for fear of the Jews. Because they were disciples of Jesus, they feared they may be crucified next. But along with the fear they were confused as to what to do next.

For three years they dedicated themselves to the ministry work that Jesus taught them. On top of the fear and confusion, the women reported to them that Jesus was alive and spoke to them. Fear, confusion and bewilderment!

All of a sudden, from out of nowhere, Jesus appeared to them in the upper room. There is a reason why His words were, “Peace be with you.” They were terrified. The doors were locked. And there appeared Jesus, alive and well.

There was a common response to everyone who witnessed Jesus after the resurrection. They were amazed and wanted to tell others. They went from fear, confusion, and bewilderment to a new sense of amazement and excitement. The disciples were reenergized with faith and hope.

We all need a renewed peace in our life that can only come from Jesus. His presence brings us peace. His voice gives us peace.

If you want to renew your peace with God all you have to do is draw close to Him. The Bible promises that whoever draws near to Him, He will draw near to them. (James 4:8)


Lord, I want to encounter You right now. Forgive me of my sins and refresh my faith and hope. I turn to You for everything I need.

Are You Listening?

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.
Isaiah 30:21

The Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. If you want to increase your faith, it’s as easy as consuming yourself with the Word of God. God’s Word makes that kind of impact when you consume yourself in it.

When athletes prepare for a competition they must vigorously apply themself to the sport constantly getting better. The more practice and conditioning applied toward the event the better the athlete will perform. In a similar way, you’re strong when you’re absorbed in the Word of God.

God speaks through His Spirit, the Bible, and through special revelation. Revelation includes other believers, circumstances, or any way that God can speak to you. In Numbers 22:21-39, God used a donkey to speak to Balaam to get his attention. And we wonder sometimes what it will take to get our attention. God can use a rock if He wants to.

If you want to hear the audible voice of God simply speak the Word of God out loud. We need to hear the voice of God speaking to us. But we also need to practice the art of listening for the whisper of God. 

We are in such a rush that we tend to rush God as well. God does not work on our time scale. But God will do what needs to be done to get our attention. 

Is God trying to speak to you? Are you applying an effort to consume yourself in His presence?


Lord, use what ever You have to use to speak to my heart. I’m listening for Your voice. I am watching what You are doing. I desire to consume myself in Your Word.