Jesus Turns Problems Into Miracles

Jesus said to them, “Fill the waterpots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it.
John 2:7-8
Jesus’ first miracle was performed when there was a big problem at a wedding feast. The groom’s family ran out of wine early into the festivities. It must have took a lot of drinks for a wedding feast to last for an entire week. Jesus’ mother quickly turned to Jesus to solve the problem.
As we count down to the end of 2022, we need to take some time and look back and notice how God worked in our lives. Some of our problems were so concerning in the moment but afterward they are soon forgotten.
I can easily look back and see how God worked out some of my problems by turning them into miracles. I can remember staying up late many of nights praying for God to work out some of the issues I was facing. Some of them were church related while many of them were personal. I can remember lying in bed praying for God to heal me from severe illness. I prayed for God to help me out of financial hardship. I prayed for God to give me wisdom for a very important decision that I needed to make. And through each one of these, God worked it out. He turned each of my problems into miracles.
Running out of wine was no issue for the Lord. He told the disciples to fetch some water and they did so swiftly. As they returned the water was turned to wine. Jesus turned a problem into a miracle.
Deep down in our hearts we know the Lord can do such a miracle in our life but we often lose faith with the idea that maybe the Lord won’t do it for us. The crazy thing is He desires to turn our problems into miracles. He wants to see us blessed and Him glorified.
Survey this last year and think about the problems that God worked out for you. Praise Him right now for turning your problems into miracles. Give Him all the glory.
Maybe you’re praying for a miracle right now to happen. Just know He is the miracle worker. He is the problem solver. He wants you to trust Him completely.
Lord, I praise Your great and mighty name for answering my prayers when I called on you. You never failed me. I pray that You keep turning my problems into miracles