God Is Making A Way

And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”
Joshua 3:5
God wants to do miraculous things in our life that can only be from God. Are you expecting miracles to take place today in your life?
The only thing holding us back is sometimes we like to play it safe. We like our comfort zones because we know what to expect.
However, our walk with God is not always about being in a comfort zone and playing it safe. Oftentimes, God is calling us out of our comfort zones so that we can experience Him in a powerful way.
God wants to use your life, right now, today! He wants to use you to show others what He can do. Do you realize that? God wants to do something amazing through you today to show others that He is your God.
Are you ready to receive a miracle from God today? Take a few moments and prepare yourself for what God wants to do through you and with you today or in the next few days.
We have to be in a position to receive the miracles from God. As today’s verse states, “sanctify yourself.” That means set yourself apart spiritually, mentally, and physically. Step out in faith. God will direct your steps once you do.
You may face some difficult circumstances today but remember that it may be part of the miracle. God is with you every step of the way. And when there doesn’t seem to be a way He will make a way. But make sure you are spiritually ready to be guided in the right direction.
Lord, prepare my heart to receive the great and wonderful things You have in store for me today. Allow me to see with an understanding heart. Bless me with Your wonders today.