Pastor Stephen Dedman

God Is Making A Way

And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”
Joshua 3:5

God wants to do miraculous things in our life that can only be from God. Are you expecting miracles to take place today in your life?

The only thing holding us back is sometimes we like to play it safe. We like our comfort zones because we know what to expect.

However, our walk with God is not always about being in a comfort zone and playing it safe. Oftentimes, God is calling us out of our comfort zones so that we can experience Him in a powerful way.

God wants to use your life, right now, today! He wants to use you to show others what He can do. Do you realize that? God wants to do something amazing through you today to show others that He is your God.

Are you ready to receive a miracle from God today? Take a few moments and prepare yourself for what God wants to do through you and with you today or in the next few days.

We have to be in a position to receive the miracles from God. As today’s verse states, “sanctify yourself.” That means set yourself apart spiritually, mentally, and physically. Step out in faith. God will direct your steps once you do.

You may face some difficult circumstances today but remember that it may be part of the miracle. God is with you every step of the way. And when there doesn’t seem to be a way He will make a way. But make sure you are spiritually ready to be guided in the right direction.


Lord, prepare my heart to receive the great and wonderful things You have in store for me today. Allow me to see with an understanding heart. Bless me with Your wonders today.

You Can Conquer Sin And Satan

“If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭4:7

The story of Cain and Abel is disturbingly tragic.  How could the first child born of Adam and Eve commit the sin of murder? It wasn’t like the world was so full of evil like it is today.  There were only 4 humans in existence.

The Bible says Cain and Abel both offered up offerings to God but only Abel’s was accepted.  Abel’s offering was considered to be the best of the best. Cain’s offering didn’t please God.  Jealousy and envy began to rage in the heart of Cain.

God said to Cain in verse 7, “If you do what is right you will be blessed.  But if you choose to rebel then you will be destroyed by the deadly effects of sin.”  God made it clear to Cain that sin was knocking at the door and he must master it.  However in verse 8, Cain went out and murdered Abel.

God’s warning to Cain is the same for us today. First, we must be aware that sin is present and near to every one of us.  No one is immune to it.

Second, sin is personal and seeking to devour you individually.  Satan’s plan is to rob you of joy and fellowship. Will you allow Satan to win?

And thirdly, sin is powerful and you must have control over it.  Any unconfessed sin will harbor hatred inside your heart.  We must be wise and alert or else our life will be consumed with evil like Cain’s.

Sin doesn’t have to reign in our life. Jesus gives us victory over sin and Satan. We must have faith in knowing that we are victorious only through Jesus and we conquer sin by abiding in Christ.


Lord, I repent of my sin and turn away from it quickly. Help me to receive the joy of Your great salvation. Keep me from evil and give me a heart of love.

Enjoy What God Has Made

And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:31‬

Have you taken time this week to appreciate God’s creation?  As you look out into space you can’t help but think about God placing everything in the right place.  The moon and stars are just perfect.

Just consider the things of the earth. A peaceful flowing river of crystal clear water carving out its path to the sea.  A sunset with a mixture of rich colors exploding with delight. Thick clouds swirling in motion to provide an afternoon thunderstorm.  

The heavens and the earth are full of God’s glory. They are His wondrous masterpiece.

God hasn’t made any mistakes and never will.  Everything He says and does is perfect and beyond imagination.  After creating everything into existence, He looked over His marvelous work and said it was very good.  

The words “very good” and can mean many things to different people.  If you were to say something was very good it would be your opinion.  A very good Mexican dish or a fresh warm banana pudding would be very good to some, but not to all.  When God says it is very good, it is not just another opinion but His glory revealed.

When you witness the beauty of God’s creation you can’t help but to notice His handiwork.  Even the birds and animals, the trees and grass in the field, and the fish in the sea declare His wondrous love.  He made everything for you to know who He is.  

Make sure to take time today to enjoy God’s perfect creation.


Lord, help me to take time to notice what You have handcrafted.  Thank You for thinking of me when You created all things. Help me to enjoy what You have made for my pleasure.