Pastor Stephen Dedman

In The Secret Place

In The Secret Place

But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
‭Matthew‬ ‭6:6‬ ‭


When You Pray…

Do you have a quiet place to go into and pray?  If not, you should find a place that is your quiet place that you can get away and pray.  A place that is away from distractions and free from interference.  Everyone needs their special place where they can speak with God in prayer.

While Jesus preaches the famous “Sermon On The Mount”, He addresses the subject of prayer.  The idea behind finding a place to pray is so that you can keep your eyes on God and not anyone else.  Your place should be somewhere you can go and no one knows you’re praying.  Prayer time with God is not to impress anyone with big words or with impressive speech, but to impress God with a heart that is seeking His will and way.  Jesus goes on to say that we should not use vain repetitions.  If you are saved God hears your prayers.  There is no need to use key words that have more power or impressiveness.  Prayer is not the source of getting from God it is the act of becoming one with God.  When our prayers align with the will of God then we have answered prayers.  The Holy Spirit will teach us and instruct what to pray when we are controlled by Him.

When we pray we need to act like Jesus is in the room with us and we are speaking directly to Him.  Say what is on your mind and what is on your heart and communicate the things you want to say to Him.  This is when we can have the right fellowship with Him.


Lord, I love you and seek you in all things.  Help me to stay in constant prayer and meditation with Your Word.

Pray like Jabez

“Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!” And God granted what he asked.”
1 Chronicles 4:10

This is an exciting verse that we have in front of us today. This verse is a prayer that was desperately prayed and God answered it. Do you realize that as a child of God your prayers are heard and answered?  God does not hear the prayers of those who do not belong to Him.

Jabez is only mentioned in verses 9 and 10 and this is all that we know about him. So let’s learn a few things from him.

First, we learn that no matter what is bothering us we can go to God for help. His name indicates that he either suffered pain or caused pain. Regardless, he needed help and turned to God. His prayer changed everything as God granted his request.

Second, we learn that our negative circumstances should never define our life.  Our hardships and trials shape us for what we can become.  We become better people when we overcome trials.  It increases our faith.

Third, we learn that we all are unique and have a special purpose in this life. We were created in the image of Almighty God and we should give Him glory for our unique attributes. God gives each of us special gifts and talents to honor Him with and to bless others.

Pray the “prayer of Jabez” and see how it changes your mindset and your outlook.