Pastor Stephen Dedman

Make A Difference

‘Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.’
I Corinthians 16:13-14

This is the only place in the New Testament where the Greek word for “be brave” is used (andrizomai). It literally means “to act like a man.”

Paul emphasized 5 military commands: Watch, continually be on guard, lest you be surprised by your enemies… Stand fast, keep in your ranks, not disorderly… Be brave, maintain your ground… Be strong, summon up all your courage.

Paul knew what it meant to be a soldier for Jesus Christ. He experienced great opposition for the cause of Christ and considered the reward as a blessing. Sometimes we sit by silently because we don’t want to offend or cause a problem. But when it comes to our convictions we must maintain our ground and be brave.

Shadrach, Meshac, and Abednego didn’t coward down to governmental officials. Joseph didn’t let bad circumstances destroy his destiny. Caleb and Joshua foresaw victory when the rest of the eight spies saw defeat. The list goes on but what remains true of each of the brave men and women mentioned in the Bible is that they stood their ground and God blessed them.

Be brave today and maintain your ground with conviction. Be the one who is left standing when everyone else is gone. Anything that’s worth having is worth fighting for. Be led by the Holy Spirit in what you say and do to show love and gentleness while being brave. Be someone who makes a difference.


Lord, help me not to fear anyone or anything but You. Give me strength and boldness to be brave. Guard my heart from evil thoughts and let Your love shine through me.