Pastor Stephen Dedman

All Praise To God

Where there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?
Luke 17:18

Luke 17:11-19 tells the story of a marvelous miracle of Jesus healing ten men from the dreadful disease of leprosy.  Luke tells that there were ten healed physically, but only one was healed spiritually.  Jesus used this event to open the eyes of the spiritual blinded especially the priests.

Leprosy was associated among the people as a curse on mankind.  Lepers were the most miserable people.  Their physical pain was awful enough but they also endured complete isolation from family and friends.  

By law they were considered outcasts and remained so until their death because there was no cure.  And that is where we find these ten men, standing afar off, as Jesus passed through their village. As soon as they saw Him, they lifted their weak and raspy voices and cried out for mercy and help.  

Luke doesn’t tell us that Jesus heard them but rather He saw them.  With great compassion and mercy Jesus sent them to the priests in order to fulfill the Levitical law of healing.  And as they walked toward the temple they were all healed of the deadly disease.

Verse 15 is the climax of the story.  One of them, when he saw he was healed, returned and worshiped Jesus.  With thanksgiving in his heart and praise in his voice, the Samaritan received the spiritual blessing of salvation because of his faith.  The other men didn’t consider Jesus as God.  They were healed but not saved.

We should always be thankful for our physical blessings but we certainly show our gratitude to Jesus for saving our souls.  We do so through faithfully worshipping and serving Christ and showing compassion and forgiveness to all people.  If the only blessing we received was salvation, it is enough.  All other blessings are extra benefits.

Is there something God has done for you and you didn’t praise Him for it? Take a moment and praise Him.


Lord, I thank You for giving me spiritual insight.  I confess You as my Savior and I worship You only. I give You glory and honor for who You are.

Then The Devil Left Him

Then The Devil Left Him

Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and were ministering to Him.
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭4:11‬

Dealing With Temptations

Temptation has always been a struggle for mankind ever since Adam was tempted in the Garden.  Scripture is filled with examples of people who have struggled with Satan’s attack of temptation.  But there is good news. God has provided a wonderful plan for victory.

Matthew presented the temptations of Jesus to show that the conflict with Satan was real and to prove that temptations can be overcome by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.  If Satan could get Jesus to sin then the entire redemptive plan of God would be destroyed.

Three times Jesus was tempted by Satan. The first temptation was a temptation of the flesh.  Satan wanted Jesus to satisfy the flesh and distrust the Father’s ability to provide.  Satan’s plan of attack is always with “if” to create doubt in people’s mind.

The second temptation took trust to the next level. Satan says, “Ok, if you really trust God then jump off this cliff and see if He will save you.” Satans temptation was to make Jesus distrust and test God.

The third and final temptation was the big one. Satan tried to get Jesus to bypass all the suffering and just enjoy what was already His.  Satan was trying to keep Jesus from dying on the cross.

Jesus was tempted three times and each time Jesus used the Word of God to defeat the devil’s power. The temptation was real but the power of God gave way to victory. We have the same source and power to overcome any temptation we face.

Notice verse 11.  “Then the devil left Him.”  These are some great words. Aren’t you glad when the devil leaves you alone?


Pray Matthew 6:13, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

We Have Obtained An Inheritance

We Have Obtained An Inheritance

In Him (Christ) we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1:11

Jesus Is Our Everything

There are two things that we need to pay close attention to in this verse today.

First, notice that Paul is writing in the past tense.  In other words, when we come to Christ in faith we inherit everything at the moment of conversion.  Paul states it like it has already happened.  The moment we confess Jesus as Lord everything past, present and future has been settled and completed.  Let this important truth sink in for a moment.  At the moment of salvation all sin is forgiven, our place in Heaven is sealed and all that belongs to Christ also belongs to us.  As Christians we have so much to look forward to but we also have so much right now.  Not only do we inherit Christ, but He also inherits us!

Second, notice that “all things work according to the counsel of His will.”  Whatever God plans to do, He makes it happen. God doesn’t plan something and then try to sit back and figure out how it’s going to happen.  When God wills something it happens.  Isn’t God great!

What God has planned from the beginning will be accomplished.  According to Ephesians 1:11, If God chose us to be a part of His plan for eternity then He will bring it to pass.  Paul said, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
‭‭(Philippians‬ ‭1:6‬)

Always remember, the best thing we can give someone is Jesus because He is everything.


Thank God today for thinking of you so long ago.