Nothing Is Too Hard
“’Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.”
Jeremiah 32:17
Have you ever discovered anything too difficult for God? It’s a truth that we know but do we believe deep down in our hearts that God can do anything, anytime, anywhere?
Sometimes we get an earthly mindset and limit the power of God. God is not limited to physical attributes. We can be guilty of underestimating the power of God.
Abraham and Sarah gave birth to a son when they were well past child bearing age. Sarah was too old to get pregnant. But God reminded Abraham, “Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son.“” (Genesis 18:14). What might seem illogical to us is possible with God.
There are many instances in the Bible that do not seem logical but the things of God can’t be explained physically.
- It’s impossible for a man to live in the belly of a fish for three days.
- It’s impossible for walls to crumble when all you do is blow your trumpets and shout.
- It’s impossible for a baby to be born of a virgin.
- It’s impossible for water to be turned into wine.
- It’s impossible for a blind man to instantly regain his vision.
- It’s impossible for a dead man to come back alive after being dead for three days.
- It’s impossible for a man to walk on water.
The truth remains, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”” (Luke 18:27) Whatever you’re facing today, be reminded that God can do anything. Sometimes He will do things that are unexpected and unimaginable.
Lord, I know you can work all things out for your glory. Give me the courage today to know you will do it.