A New Opportunity

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
II Corinthians 5:17
Don’t you love the fact that God offers us second chances? And third chances! And so many more chances.
We need more than just second chances. But at the same time we can’t keep making the same mistakes over and over again. We need the grace of God, but we cannot continue in sin.
God gives us the opportunity to come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness. Forgiveness gives us a fresh start and a new beginning. The Christian life is life of hope. In Jesus, everyday is a new beginning.
True forgiveness allows us to put the past in the past. The only way to receive true forgiveness is through Jesus Christ. Today’s verse narrows in on the word “if”. If anyone is in Christ, he or she is made new.
Are you resting in the promise of newness in Christ? Do you seek the opportunity to refresh yourself in the person of Christ everyday? Everyday is a new chance to start fresh and to let go of the past things that kept us from glorifying God.
Make today count. Let everything be made new in and through Christ. Set your mind on the things of Christ that can create new blessings of opportunity.
Lord, thank You for giving me a new day and a new opportunity to seek forgiveness and repent of my sins. You have saved me from a death in Hell and given me life in Christ. Let me make the most of it today.