Pastor Stephen Dedman

Trust Jesus’ Commands

‘And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.”’
John 2:3

What do you do when you have problems? Our problems are actually good opportunities for God to show us what He can do. They give God the opportunity to work on our behalf and display His glory.

Jesus’ mother knew exactly what to do with the problem. She went straight to Jesus and said, “They have no wine.” It is interesting to note that Mary did not tell Jesus what to do or how to resolve it. In verse 5, Mary simply said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”

When we give our problems to the Lord, we trust Him to work on our behalf and we do whatever He commands us to do. We must remain faithful and obedient to the Lord regardless if it makes sense or not. Jesus turned the water into wine because the servants were obedient to Jesus.

Most of the time we want to tell Jesus how to fix our problems. However the most important thing to do when we give our problems to the Lord is be obedient and patient. Do whatever He tells you to do.

The servants obeyed the words of Jesus and had faith that He had a plan. They could have easily came up with excuses and reasons of why not to go fill up the water pots, but they didn’t. In the end, the servants were not only witnesses of the miracle, they were participants in it.

What is the Lord telling you to do? Allow the Lord to turn problems into opportunities. Only the Lord can do such marvelous works.


Lord, when You speak I will listen and obey. Help me today to do Your will and let me witness a marvelous work.

Founded On The Rock

Founded On The Rock

“And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:25

The Foundation Of Obedience

There is a great advantage of building upon a firm foundation. A structure’s foundation is its most important element. And it’s the storms that test the durability and strength of what lies beneath the surface.  Jesus gives great advice to build on the rock.

Jesus was wrapping up His Sermon on the Mount and was giving the final take away. The large crowd that surrounded Him listened attentively to every word that was spoken.  The message that Jesus wanted them all to understand was that some listen and obey but some listen and do as they please.

He compared two men building a house. The wise man worked hard and dug deep into the soil to make sure that his house would stand the test of time.  But the foolish man was in a hurry and took short cuts so when the storm came his house didn’t stand. It’s obvious that the foolish man didn’t understand the importance of quality and endurance.

The rock of the foundation is obedience.  For a Christian it is important to obey the Word of God and keep it close to our heart.  Sometimes it is difficult to obey and remain righteous as Jesus instructs.  But it’s easy to disobey and fall into sin and live hypocritically.

It takes a foolish person to build a house on sandy soil as it’s also foolish for a person to know God’s Word and not obey it. It’s one thing to listen to instructions, it’s another to obey them. James 1:22 says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”  We must live obediently upon the biblical truth of Jesus Christ.


Pray for the truth of God’s Word to embrace your life as you are tempted to take foolish shortcuts of disobedience.