It Is I
It Is I
But He (Jesus) said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.”
John 6:20
No Need To Fear
After Jesus fed the 5,000, the people who witnessed the miracle wanted to make him their king. Jesus swiftly slipped away into the mountains to be alone. The disciples got into the boat and set sail across the lake. A storm was brewing and the waves became rough due to the high winds. They rowed for about three to four miles when suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the water. They became frightened as He came near the boat. They thought it was a ghost. Jesus spoke to them and they recognized His voice and gladly received Him into their boat. The Scripture then says immediately they were at the shore.
There are some interesting truths packed into this event. First, after every victory there is a valley awaiting. Don’t be disappointed because the Lord is always with us regardless of where we are. He is with us in our good times and with us in our suffering. Second, the Lord’s presence makes for peace. Jesus appeared during their struggles and spoke a peaceful word, “it is I; don’t be afraid.” The Lord always provides peace and comfort during our trying times. He will allow us to build strength and faith but He will never neglect us. Third, the Lord’s power over nature. Jesus walked on the water. Some want to discredit the Lord walking on the water. We must never forget that the Lord can do what He pleases to do.
Trusting the Lord during good times is easy. Trusting the Lord during hard times is difficult. Our faith in the Lord is what pleases Him the most.
Lord, let me see You for who You are. I want to be in Your presence and feel Your peace. Help me to overcome my trials and suffering with your grace.