“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua‬ ‭1:9

Joshua was appointed by God to lead the people of God into the promise land. Stress and leadership pressures were upon him after Moses died. So God spoke a personal message to him to encourage him how to be a successful, spiritual leader. 

That same message is applicable to us today. God instructs us to be strong and courageous and to meditate on the Word of God. These are key elements to living a successful life under the lordship of Christ. 

The devil knows the power that God’s Word has on your life. Satan will do whatever he needs to do to keep you from experiencing the supernatural power of God. He will distract you, keep you occupied on things that don’t matter, and he will make you stress on things that God has already accomplished. 

The devil has a sneaky way of interfering with our daily walk with Jesus. It happened in the very beginning with Adam and Eve and it still happens today. But we have the mighty power of God to overcome and conquer the evil schemes of our enemy. 

God wants you to be strong and courageous. He wants you to lean towards Him for wisdom and safety. Everything we need is given to us through faith in Him. But it is up to you and I if we rely on Him to see us through. 

Would you rather have the resources from God or would you rather rely on your own human logic and strength? God wants you to trust Him and put your full faith into knowing He is all you need. 


Lord, I trust You and place my full faith in You because You know all things. I will encourage myself in Your Words and I will enjoy the life you have given to me. 

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