Pastor Stephen Dedman

You Have The Power

‘Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. ‘
Ephesians 6:10

We all have witnessed a police officer raise his hand up to stop oncoming traffic. In response the vehicles that are approaching the officer come to a stop. But here is a question… does the officer have the physical power to actually stop the vehicle with a hand? Of course not.

The police officer is given the authority by the government to protect and serve. They use that authority to direct traffic and keep people safe. Most people recognize that authority and they stop their vehicles at the command of the officer. Hopefully the officer didn’t have to use flashing lights to make you stop!

In the same way there is authority and power invested in us by the Lord Jesus Christ! The believer who thoroughly understands that the power of God is backing them can exercise his or her authority and face the enemy fearlessly. Jesus has given us the power to tread on the devil, demons, evil spirits, and all of his cohorts.

Paul told believers to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. That means you can step out in front of the devil, hold up your hand, and in the name of Jesus (authority), tell him not to come any closer. Use your authority and resist the devil!


Lord, give me wisdom and spiritual understanding of the authority and power that has been given unto me as a believer. Give me the understanding of the authority. Help me to use the authority to defeat my enemies… in Jesus Name.

Share The Love Of Jesus

‘What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice, ‘
Philippians 1:18

Is sharing Jesus with others a priority for you? When was the last time you shared with someone the grace and goodness of God?

The most important thing to Paul was that Christ needed to be proclaimed and exalted. Even when he was in prison, Paul was thinking of ways he could preach. The only thing that brought him joy was proclaiming the grace of God.

Paul’s message was not always received in agreement. Many times he was stoned, beaten or rebuked for preaching the name of Jesus. But nothing stopped him from preaching Christ. He loved Jesus.

What’s keeping you from spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ today? We have so many resources at our fingertips yet we sometimes remain silent. Even in some churches, Christ is not preached! This ought not to be so.

Paul was motivated by God’s grace. He was living proof of what God can do with a person who desires to be used by God. We should be just as eager as Paul to share the Good News of Jesus.

Paul could have lost heart being imprisoned in Rome yet he rejoiced in his circumstances. He recognized that God was ordaining every situation of his life. Despite all of the negative circumstances, he kept rejoicing and proclaiming the saving name of Jesus.

Are you motivated by the love of Christ?


Lord, thank You for what You have called me to do. Help me to keep rejoicing and speaking Your great name. I pray that wherever You guide me today, I will tell others about You.

How Are You Living?

“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,”
Philippians‬ ‭3:20‬

The Apostle Paul was writing to the church at Philippi who placed much value in their Roman citizenship. Although they were not living in Rome, they considered themselves to be under the Roman law, custom, and culture.

Paul, himself, was a Roman citizen and knew their mindset. So Paul under the influence of the Holy Spirit wrote this Scripture for them to consider the value of what it means to be a citizen of heaven.

Just as a Roman citizen would never forget that they belonged to Rome, Christians must never forget that they belong to heaven. This ultimately means that we must conduct ourselves as heavenly citizens. If we belong to heaven, we need to act like it.

To live somewhere you don’t belong means you’re an alien or pilgrim. We live on this earth we but don’t belong here. We were made for so much more. This earth is foreign land to us.

As Christians we are pilgrims passing through and waiting for our time to come when we are residents of heaven. We should be set apart from this world and noticed for something special about us.

The problem is sometimes we live like we belong here on this earth and value the things here more than heavenly things to come. For example, if we know that we have a mansion in heaven being prepared for us, why are we placing so much value in a home here on earth?

Paul says it best in verse 19, “Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.” Then he says, “But our citizenship is in Heaven.”

Are you living like you belong here or heaven?

Are you storing up treasures here on earth or investing in Heaven?

God would have you to place more value in the life to come in heaven than being so earthly mindset. Take a moment today to consider your heavenly citizenship.


Lord, I know I belong to you. Let my actions and words be proof of my citizenship to Heaven. Today I live for You.