Devotional For April 24, 2024

”For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.“
‭‭Mark‬ ‭9‬:‭49‬

Jesus used the imagery of fire and salt to convey a spiritual truth about the nature of Christian living. Fire is often used in Scripture to represent purification, refining, and testing. Jesus teaches that everyone will be seasoned with fire, indicating that every believer will face trials, challenges, and tribulations in life.

Just as precious metals are refined in the fire to remove impurities, so too does God use trials to refine and purify our faith, making us more like Christ. Our response to trials is crucial. Instead of allowing trials to discourage or defeat us, we are called to endure them with faith and perseverance, trusting that God is at work in and through our trials for His purposes.

Jesus also mentioned that every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt. In biblical times, salt was used as a preservative and seasoning, adding flavor and preventing decay. We are called to preserve the truth of God’s Word, bring flavor to the world through our words and actions, and counteract the decay and corruption of sin.

The concept of sacrifice is central to the Christian life. Just as Old Testament sacrifices were offered to God as acts of worship and dedication, so too are our lives to be living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1). As we endure trials and challenges, we offer ourselves as sacrifices to God, surrendering our wills to His and allowing Him to work in and through us for His glory.

As we endure trials, just know that God is at work, and our lives are to be living sacrifices, pleasing and acceptable to Him.


Lord, thank You for the refining work of Your fire in my life. Help me to endure trials with faith and perseverance, trusting that You are at work for Your purposes. May I be salt and light in the world, preserving truth, bringing flavor, and shining brightly for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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