Devotional For December 16, 2024

My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬

The book of Proverbs, written by King Solomon, is filled with practical wisdom for living a life that honors God. In the opening chapter, Solomon addresses his son, urging him to embrace wisdom and reject the influences of the wicked. Proverbs 1:10 serves as a critical warning against yielding to the enticements of sinners.

In today’s world, we are surrounded by influences that encourage us to compromise our values, whether through peer pressure, media, or cultural trends. Temptation often whispers, “Everyone is doing it,” or, “It’s no big deal.” But as believers, we are called to stand firm, resisting the pull to follow a path that leads away from God.

If you stay rooted in God’s Word, you will equip yourself to recognize and resist temptation. When God’s Word is your foundation, you are less likely to be swayed by sinful enticements.

The people you surround yourself with have a significant influence on your decisions. Proverbs 13:20 advises, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” Seek friendships that encourage godliness and hold you accountable.

Is there an area in your life where you feel tempted to follow the wrong crowd or make compromises? Ask God for wisdom and strength to resist. Remember, saying “no” to temptation is saying “yes” to God’s perfect plan for your life.


Lord, thank You for the wisdom found in Your Word. Help me to stand firm when temptation comes, and give me the courage to say no to sin. Surround me with godly influences and fill me with Your Spirit so I can walk in Your ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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