I will stand my watch And set myself on the rampart, And watch to see what He will say to me, And what I will answer when I am corrected.
Habakkuk 2:1
The prophet Habakkuk expresses a posture of waiting and anticipation. He positions himself to listen for God’s guidance and remains open to correction. After Christmas, when the festivities have quieted, this verse invites us to reflect on the past season and look forward to what God may reveal to us in the days ahead.
As we stand on the “rampart” of our lives, let’s take a moment to review the messages and experiences of the Christmas season. What have we learned about God’s love, grace, and our purpose in Christ? Like Habakkuk, let’s watch and listen for what God may be saying to us through the celebrations, challenges, and moments of quiet reflection.
Furthermore, Habakkuk’s readiness for correction encourages us to be open to God’s guidance as we move forward. Whether it’s making adjustments in our priorities, relationships, or spiritual walk, let’s approach the coming days with humility and a willingness to align our lives with God’s purposes.
Lord, I am listening for Your voice and guidance. Help me today to reflect on everything I have heard and seen in the last few days. Give me wisdom to discern Your ways. In Jesus’ name, amen.