Devotional For November 11, 2024

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
‭‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭13

On this Veterans Day, we pause to honor those who have served and sacrificed for the freedoms and peace we enjoy. Veterans are individuals who have answered a call, displaying courage, discipline, and a willingness to serve even when it required great personal sacrifice. Their commitment to protecting and serving others mirrors the love and selflessness taught by Christ.

In John 15:13, Jesus speaks of the ultimate form of love—the willingness to lay down one’s life for others. He exemplified this love on the cross, bearing the ultimate sacrifice for all of humanity. While most of us may not face this exact call, the verse speaks to our everyday opportunities to lay down our own lives, figuratively or literally, for others.

Veterans live out this verse daily. They put aside personal comfort, safety, and sometimes their lives to serve a greater cause. Their sacrifice reminds us of the sacrificial love Jesus displayed and challenges us to consider ways we, too, can serve and protect those around us. We may not wear uniforms or serve on a battlefield, but we are each called to serve others in meaningful ways—whether by showing kindness, standing up for justice, or sharing in others’ burdens.

Take time today to reflect on the sacrifices made by veterans, and express gratitude for the freedoms their service has safeguarded. Embrace the call to live sacrificially, not only in large ways but in small acts of love, patience, and kindness.


Lord, thank You for the courageous men and women who have served this great country, sacrificing so much to protect and preserve the freedoms I enjoy. Thank You for their willingness to put others before themselves, and I ask You to bless them with peace, healing, and the support they need. Teach me to serve others with humility and grace, and guide me to be a source of comfort and gratitude for all who have served. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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