February 4, 2025

He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.
‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬

In John 1:1-18, the Gospel of John introduces Jesus as the Word (Logos) who existed from the beginning with God. This divine Word is not only in union with God but is, in fact, God Himself.

Specifically in verse 10, the focus is on the earthly existence of the Word. Despite being the very agent through which the world was created, Jesus entered into the world He made, and yet the world did not recognize Him. This lack of recognition is not merely a physical oversight but a spiritual one. Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus encounters disbelief, rejection, and misunderstanding from those He came to save.

Today, believers are encouraged to reflect on their own recognition of Jesus in their lives. It prompts a deeper understanding of the significance of Christ’s presence and the importance of acknowledging Him as the divine Word who brings light and life to a world that often remains unaware of its Creator.

How often do we overlook the sacred in the ordinary, missing the profound connection between the Creator and His creation?


Lord, open my eyes to recognize Your Word in the midst of daily life. May I not be blinded to Your presence but, instead, embrace that You are with me. Help me find purpose, hope, and comfort in Your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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