Pastor Stephen Dedman

Pray And Don’t Lose Heart

Pray And Don’t Lose Heart

And he (Jesus) told them (disciples) a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.
‭‭Luke‬ ‭18:1


Fighting For A Good Cause

Please take a moment and read Luke 18:1-8.  Right before Jesus tells the twelve disciples a parable (an earthly story with a heavenly meaning) he says the words “keep praying and don’t lose heart”.  The reason he said these words was to encourage them to stay motivated.  In the previous chapter (Luke 17:20-37) Jesus was speaking about his coming death, the end times and the coming of the Kingdom and it was bothering them.  He knew it was troubling them.

Jesus tells a story that everyone could relate to.  He tells of an unrighteous judge who did not fear God or man and would not help bring justice to a poor widowed woman.  She was helpless and hopeless but she didn’t give up fighting for a good cause.  Finally, out of distress, he grants her what she wanted.  The reason he helped her was not because he wanted to do something good, it was selfishness because he was tired of being bothered by her everyday.  He wanted to get rid of her and by granting her legal help she would leave him alone.  Her persistence paid off.

Jesus told this story so Christians understand the urgency of persistent prayer and to never lose hope.  He meant there would be times when you just want to give up and give in, but don’t!  The Lord says keep praying, keep hoping and stay encouraged.  He wanted them to realize they were fighting for a good cause.

Let this message saturate your life today.  You are not fighting a losing battle.  Jesus is victorious!  Satan is going to be chained-up, lock-up, and cast-out. When Satan tries to discourage you, just remind him of that.


Praise Jesus for His victory over sin.  There is power in prayer.  Those who keep praying never lose hope.  Those who lose hope are the ones who stop praying.

What Sort Of Man Is This

What Sort of Man Is This

And the men (disciples) marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭8:27

A Marvelous Man

Jesus calmed the wind and waves and the disciples were in complete astonishment.  They had just witnessed a miracle. They went from fearful to fascination in matter of seconds.  The disciples thought they were going to drown but instead they saw God in action.  It’s like the fans in the stands that are praying for a miracle and then their favorite team suddenly wins in the last seconds and they are stuck in disbelief.  Why are we in disbelief when God does something so amazing?  Especially when we are praying for it.

This same event is paralleled in Mark 4:35-41.  The disciples woke Jesus and said, “do you not care that we are perishing?”  I wonder how many times we think in our minds that God does not care about what we are facing?  Believe me, He cares!  He cares about the big stuff and he cares about the small stuff.  How awful it is for a child of God to think He doesn’t care for His own.

The disciples realized at that very moment that they were in the presence of God.  God was in the boat.  Now they know Jesus is God.  This truth was revealed to them and they knew they were following the true Messiah.  How awesome to know that the One who has power over nature is living inside our life and will do supernatural wonders that will make us marvel.  If you believe in God’s love and power you can weather any storm that comes your way.

Read Psalm 107:23-31 and be marveled.


Pray Psalm 107:30 and “thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man!

We Have Obtained An Inheritance

We Have Obtained An Inheritance

In Him (Christ) we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1:11

Jesus Is Our Everything

There are two things that we need to pay close attention to in this verse today.

First, notice that Paul is writing in the past tense.  In other words, when we come to Christ in faith we inherit everything at the moment of conversion.  Paul states it like it has already happened.  The moment we confess Jesus as Lord everything past, present and future has been settled and completed.  Let this important truth sink in for a moment.  At the moment of salvation all sin is forgiven, our place in Heaven is sealed and all that belongs to Christ also belongs to us.  As Christians we have so much to look forward to but we also have so much right now.  Not only do we inherit Christ, but He also inherits us!

Second, notice that “all things work according to the counsel of His will.”  Whatever God plans to do, He makes it happen. God doesn’t plan something and then try to sit back and figure out how it’s going to happen.  When God wills something it happens.  Isn’t God great!

What God has planned from the beginning will be accomplished.  According to Ephesians 1:11, If God chose us to be a part of His plan for eternity then He will bring it to pass.  Paul said, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
‭‭(Philippians‬ ‭1:6‬)

Always remember, the best thing we can give someone is Jesus because He is everything.


Thank God today for thinking of you so long ago.