September 30, 2024 – 10 Questions That Matter

Question #8 – What fears are holding you back from achieving God’s best for your life?

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
‭‭II Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬

In 2 Timothy, Paul writes to his young protégé, Timothy, who is facing challenges and opposition in his ministry. The reminder in 2 Timothy 1:7 speaks directly to the reality that fear is not from God. Instead, God gives us the power, love, and clarity of mind to overcome fear and walk in the fullness of His purpose for us.

Fear has been a tool used by the enemy throughout Scripture to keep people from stepping into God’s best. When Moses was called to lead the Israelites, he feared he was inadequate. When the spies were sent to the Promised Land, fear kept an entire generation from entering. Gideon was crippled with fear. Even Peter was gripped by fear when he denied Christ. Fear can cripple our faith, but God’s Word teaches us that fear doesn’t come from Him.

What fears are holding you back from experiencing God’s best for your life? Is it the fear of failure? Fear of inadequacy? Fear of rejection or criticism? Fear of the unknown? Whatever form it takes, fear can paralyze us and prevent us from stepping into the fullness of God’s plans.

God has not given us a spirit of fear. Fear often comes from a place of uncertainty or insecurity, but God calls us to trust in Him. When we feel fear rising within us, we must remember that it is not from God. Instead, He gives us power to overcome, love that casts out all fear, and a sound mind that is stable, clear, and focused.

Fear has the power to hold us back from the incredible plans God has for our lives, but we do not have to live in fear. God has given us everything we need to overcome it. As you identify the fears that have been holding you back, choose to trust in God’s promises, step out in faith, and rely on His strength. In doing so, you will discover the joy and fulfillment that come from living out His best for your life.

In what area of your life do you need to step out in obedience, trusting God’s power rather than your own strength?


Lord, I thank You that fear is not from You. Help me to recognize the fears that are keeping me from experiencing the fullness of Your plans for my life. Replace my fear with faith, and give me the courage to step out in obedience, even when I feel afraid. Remind me daily that Your power is made perfect in my weakness, and that You will strengthen and equip me for every good work. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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