God Is Bigger Than Our Problems
Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”
1 Samuel 17:45
We all have our problems. How we deal with our problems is what makes a difference. Some people ignore their problems and hope they go away while others face them head on and attack them with full force. Whatever the case may be, our perspective of God is what makes our problems look small.
Notice how David acknowledged that Goliath was coming at him with full armor but it didn’t stop him. David was experienced in the area of facing problems head on. He had experience with beating off wild animals with bare hands. Fighting the Philistine was nothing compared to the other animals he killed.
David had something that most people don’t. He had spiritual optimism. David knew he had God on his side and that’s all he needed. He knew God was bigger and better than any problem he faced.
David couldn’t ignore Goliath because he knew the power of God was with him. He was prepared to have victory with just one throw of a stone. We too, have the power of God to withstand any problem that comes our way.
If we focus on the size of our problems they will seem very overwhelming. But if our focus is on God our problems will seem pretty small in comparison. Arm yourself in the name of the Lord.
Lord, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that You give me victory over my problems today. Your name is great and wonderful to be praised. Keep me in Your hand.