Pastor Stephen Dedman

We Can Make A Difference

‘When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. ‘
Acts 2:1-4

There are defining moments in our lives when our life changes and we are never the same. Some of those moments are anticipated and are welcomed into our life but other times they come unexpected and sometimes with pain.

Often times we struggle with change and wonder how God can bring about any good with the pain and suffering. But God always has a way of working all things for our good, even when the enemy intends to do harm.

On the day of Pentecost the disciples lives changed. Something happened that defined who they were. They were ordinary men who were able to be used by God like never before.

But they had to wait for the very specific time and date. They had to wait for the exact moment for it to happen. They had to wait for the promise to be fulfilled.

As we live in a world full of chaos and turmoil we need to know that God wants to do something great. God wants to use us in this fallen world.

It is up to you and me to make a difference. It is up to us to stand up and be like Jesus in this world and to make a statement of love and mercy. It takes courage and the strength of the Holy Spirit to do it.


Lord, fill me with courage and grace to speak words of love and encouragement. This world needs You. We need Your grace and love.

Make Him A King

‘Therefore when Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, He departed again to the mountain by Himself alone.’
John 6:15

After Jesus fed the 5,000 men, the Jews sought to make Him king. The Jews had often suffered famine in those times allowing their surrounding nations and enemies to prevail against them. Once they saw the power that Jesus had to multiply a few loaves of bread they instantly thought He was the one who could also provide protection against their evil enemies.

Their plan would get rid of king Herod, who allowed the Romans to be in power, and force Jesus to bring control back for the Jews. Jesus perceived this notion either by divine revelation or by watching circumstances unfold. So before the Jews could team together and form a new government, Jesus departed to the mountain to be alone and to pray to the Father.

If Jesus would have become king on earth, He would have never went to the cross where He essentially conquered the entire world. Jesus was fully aware of what was happening and knew the hearts of men. It is also possible that the disciples themselves were going along with making Him king because it would give them a seat of power in Jesus’ kingdom.

Sometimes we get the wrong idea about what God is doing in our life. We must be careful to make sure that we are submitting to His will and not trying to accomplish our agenda. We know the power of God and we want to see great things happen but it’s not always the plan of God to do so. We must be patient and wait upon the Lord.


Lord, You know all things and I don’t. I submit myself to your authority and I will wait for You to instruct me. Help me to know Your will and Your way.

The Ultimate Demonstration Of Love

So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us.  God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.
1 John 4:16

What is perfect love?  It’s a love that is full and complete and needs no improvement.  A love that is at its maximum.  It’s a love that everyone longs for but no one will ever find outside of a relationship with God.

Perfect love is demonstrated through the person of Jesus Christ.  John 13:1 says, “when Jesus knew that His hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.”  

Jesus loved perfectly.  His love was full and complete all the way to the cross.  He loved with grace and compassion and forgiveness.  This is the kind of love people are looking for.  A love that has no end.

It’s easy for us to love when we are loved in return.  However, it’s difficult to demonstrate love for someone who does you wrong.  This is what separates perfect love from all other love.  

Jesus loves those who curse Him and blaspheme His name.  He died for those people as well.  Jesus demonstrated His love for the entire world through selfless sacrifice.  And that same love abides in the heart of every Believer.

As Christians we are to love as Christ loved.  We are called to demonstrate love to those who love us and to those who hate us.  Our ability to love comes from the love of God that is in us.  We are to love one another because God is the source of love and perfect love puts God on display.  Love is evidence of salvation.


Lord, give me a heart that is like Yours. Help me to love like You love. Your love overwhelms my soul and renews my spirit.