Pastor Stephen Dedman

Virtue Of Love

And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:2‬ ‭

There is great power in the virtue of love.  It is a characteristic of a Christian.  The apostle Paul knew how important it was to exemplify true love toward others.  He also knew that without love he was nothing.

In the previous chapter, Paul discusses spiritual gifts that are given to Believers by the Holy Spirit.  In this verse he mentions three of them.  Prophecy refers to the ability to declare God’s Word with power.  Knowledge involves the deep understanding of God’s Word.  Faith is the ability to trust God for great and mighty things.  These three gifts are given by the Holy Spirit but without possessing love a person is “nothing.”

You can be intelligent, wealthy, and talented but if you don’t love you have nothing and are nothing. You could be a great doctor or lawyer or even a superb teacher, yet if you lack love, you are nothing.  

God considers love to be one of the main characteristics that a Christian can possess.  Jesus set forth the best example of love.  He continually showed compassion to everyone He encountered.  

This is the kind of love that we are to show everyone around us.  We are to study God’s Word and to be wise but we are to show love as well.  Love makes us be the person who displays the light of Jesus and shows the world who Jesus is.  Do you have love?


Lord, help me to express love to everyone I encounter today.  Teach me to love everyone, even my enemies. Let my love be an example of who You are.

Christ Who Lives In Me

Christ Who Lives In Me

 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20


It’s No Longer Me

Being saved through Jesus Christ is not just a way to Heaven, it’s a new life in Christ here on this earth.  Jesus not only gives us eternal life, He gives us new life here and now.  Jesus changes our desires from the inside out.  It begins with our heart and mind and works it’s way through our words and actions.

Jesus set forth the perfect example of how to live a holy life acceptable unto God.  As Christians we strive to live like Christ and to strive for holiness and righteousness.  We cannot do it alone for the flesh is weak.  We must depend on the Holy Spirit to work in and through us.  We must be conforming to His ways and seeking to please Him.

The power in this verse is the fact that being found in Christ we no longer are captive to sin.  Yes, we do and will continue to sin but we are found not guilty when we place our faith in Christ.  We are justified through the blood of Jesus.  Jesus forgives us of our sins.  Paul says we are crucified with Christ.  We no longer satisfy our flesh desires, we aim to please our Lord and Master.  No longer do we live for ourselves.  Everyday should begin with the thought and ambition to please the Lord through everything we do.  What are you going to do today for Jesus?


Lord, today I die to myself and live for you.  Use me and make me useful for Your kingdom sake.

Are You The One

Are You The One

And John calling two of his disciples to him, sent them to the Lord, saying, “Are You the One who is to come, or shall we look for another?”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:19

No Need To Doubt

In Luke 7:28 Jesus says, “there is none greater than John.”  John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus who preached repentance of sin to prepare the way of the coming of the Messiah.  When John baptized Jesus, he heard the audible voice of God and saw the Holy Spirit descend upon Jesus like a dove.  There was no doubt that John knew that Jesus was the Messiah.

After John was arrested and held in prison for a long period of time, he began to question if Jesus was really the Coming One.  There are three notable reasons that caused him to doubt and these can create doubt in our minds as well.  First, the circumstances he faced made him question if Jesus cared.  John was in prison because he stated the truth of Herod’s sin.  Sometimes the circumstances we endure make us wonder if Jesus really cares for us.  Second, listening to outsiders can cause doubt.  While in prison, John heard a report about Jesus and obviously it was in contrast to what he believed.  We must be careful to who and what we listen to.  If it’s not the truth, it can cause us to doubt.  Third, since we don’t have full knowledge, we question how things will work out.  Jesus was just the opposite of what everyone expected.  He was a humble servant instead of coming as one who would be treated like the king of the Jews.  Limited information causes us to doubt if all things will work out in our favor or not.

When John doubted, he searched for truth from Jesus.  We too should turn to Jesus when we start to doubt.  He will give us what we need.


Search the Lord through the Word of God and ask Him to reveal the truths that you need to know.