The Mighty Works Of God
Then fear came upon all, and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has risen up among us”; and, “God has visited His people.”
Luke 7:16
What should be the proper response when we witness the mighty works of God? In today’s verse we read about the response of fear (honor) and praise. There was a holy fear of the person and power of Jesus.
When the people witnessed Jesus raise the widow’s dead son back to life, they instantly realized that they had seen the mighty work of God. They knew only God could raise someone from the dead.
The raising of the widow’s son is another great illustration of how much God cares and loves His children. God is at work in the lives of His children and He deserves to be feared and praised.
God is involved with our daily concerns and wants us to recognize His greatness. Everyday God displays acts of blessing, mercy and grace upon those who believe. It is up to us as to how we respond.
This widow was helpless and hopeless. She needed more than just comfort. She needed supernatural providence. And Jesus was the source of what she needed.
What is your response when you face your struggles? Do you get angry at God or praise God? Do you blame Him or do you worship Him?
If we keep a proper response of honor and praise to God in our daily lives, we will naturally praise and honor Him even in our struggles.
Keep a watch for the mighty works of God today.
Lord, You know my heart and concerns. You know what is on my mind and what I need today. I thank You and praise You for Your daily provisions and for blessing me with amazing grace.